Whether you’ve just completed a drug detox, alcohol rehab, or any other kind of substance abuse treatment, we know recovery takes time and we know that you’re worth it. Whatever your primary treatment method, you’ve had a great start because …
After all, it sounds simple and straightforward – just stop drinking, right? Quitting cold turkey can be dangerous and ineffective for many people, and there are several myths and misconceptions surrounding this approach that can make it even harder to …
This is a list of alcoholic musicians who drank themselves to death. Alcoholism is more than simply a lack of self control; today, it is considered an all out addictive disorder. Fortunately, alcohol abuse is a treatable disease and many …
Sweat it out with a fun workout, which will also help to clear your pores. The bottom line is that alcohol in the major cases, ages your skin, and below we have mentioned some tips on how to reduce the …
And she expected us to make the most of the opportunities that were available to us and to be grateful for them, because, as she taught us, opportunity is not available to everyone. I fought against the cartels who traffic …
Having a single serving of alcohol one time is much less concerning than heavy or binge drinking and is considered less likely to cause alcohol-related problems for the baby. However, it is recommended that you avoid further use of alcohol …
Every aspect of the space is curated from the Jo Malone candles to fresh flowers which are replaced every few days. Measuring 9800 square feet, it features six beds all with en-suite bathrooms. Each room is designed to be just …
Although used by clinicians, these six factors can help you think about your own needs and treatment options as well. BetterHelp is an online therapy service that matches you to licensed, accredited therapists who can help with depression, anxiety, relationships, …
Because recovery involves growth, families need to learn and practice new patterns of interaction. Addiction doesn’t just affect individuals; addiction is a family affliction. The uncertainty of a person’s behavior tests family bonds, creates considerable shame, and give rise to …
Toxic amblyopia was very common before World War II due to excessive drinking and tobacco use. Now the disease has become rarer and is often only seen in people suffering from alcoholism. Hangovers can cause a variety of uncomfortable symptoms, …